IFSAC Fire Fighter I and II Testing

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Date(s) - June 02 - June 06
All Day


WVPST Martinsburg Hosting IFSAC Certification Testing for Firefighters

Individuals wishing to receive IFSAC certification through West Virginia Public Service Training must apply to attend a testing session and then successfully pass a written examination and demonstrate practical skills.  The next opportunity for IFSAC testing in West Virginia will be June 2-3 for written testing and June 6-7 for practical skills testing. Written testing for Firefighter I includes FFI, Hazardous Materials Awareness, and Hazardous Materials Operations. Testing for Firefighter II is a FF II exam alone. Anyone interested in testing to receive the IFSAC certification must pre-apply by May 28, 2021.  There is a $25 fee for each certification.  Applications and a flyer are available by clicking the links below. Please read the brochure in its entirety.

IFSAC Testing Flyer



HM Skill Sheets Combined

FF I Skill Sheets Combined

FF II Skill Sheets Combined

WV Public Service Training is proud to offer IFSAC certification.  International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) provides certification to individuals who pass examinations based on National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire service professional qualifications.  IFSAC was founded to ensure the quality and continuation of a National accreditation system for fire service certification programs.  After an extensive application process and a site visit by IFSAC officials the West Virginia Department of Education received accreditation from IFSAC for the six Public Service Training programs around the state.

For more information about IFSAC visit www.ifsac.org or contact David J. Weller II, Public Service Training Coordinator, at djweller@wvesc.org or 304-596-2653.

Seats Available 3

Bookings are closed for this event.