EMT Initial Class

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Date(s) - August 05
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Parkersburg Fire Station 6

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

This 155 hour minimum program is the basic level of EMT care by the West Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services. This class meets the National Standards Curriculum.  The EMT candidate must successfully complete the program, complete required clinical time, complete the practical skills testing, and obtain a passing score on the WVOEMS state option test or the computer-based National Registry exam. Certification will be good for 4 years.

Dates:             Monday August 5, 2019-December 2019

Days:           Mondays and Wednesdays: 6 pm – 10 pm

Instructor (s): Mike Tanner 

Fee:   Tuition $300.00 + books and code $350 = $650 pay to Mountain State ESC

$ 120.00 WVOEMS State Fees & Finger Prints (through Continuum)

$ 80.00 National Registry


To Register, please contact Eva Godbey at 304-766-0011 ext. 22.  


You may copy the below information into an email and submit to eva.godbey@k12.wv.us to register:

Name:  ____________________________________________________________

 Date of Birth:  ______________________________________________________

 Address: __________________________________________________________

 City/State:  ____________________________________ Postal Code: __________

 Phone Number: ________________ Email Address: _________________________

 Affiliation: ________________________________________________________