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Date(s) - October 12
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Eleanor VFD

Specialized Fire Service Training

Public Service Training provides a wide range of specialized fire service training. When a department identifies a training need Public Service Training will work to meet that need. Examples of such training include Basic Pumps, Building Construction, Engine Company Operations, Fire Investigation, Incident Safety Officer, Reading Smoke, Rural Water Movement, SCBA Confidence, Structural Firefighting, and many more topics.

Course:  RIT Class

Day 1 is spent building prevention skills into each firefighter (and preparing them to be members of a RIT). Skills include SCBA emergencies, MAYDAY, disorientation emergencies and emergency escape techniques.

Day 2 is spent learning the individual techniques and skills involved in firefighter rescue. Skills include emergency air supply, searching for a firefighter, assessing and packaging a downed firefighter, drags and carries, rescues from entanglements, breaches, below grade and restricted areas.

Location:  Eleanor VFD (600 Roosevelt Blvd., Eleanor, WV 25070)

Instructors:  Brent Burger, Jason Burger, Chris Burger

Equipment Requirements:  Full PPE, SCBA, and extra cylinder

Dates:  October 12-13, 2019

Time:  0800-1700

Cost:  $45/person

To register, please email Eva Godbey at