Possible Fire/EMS Instructor Methodology Course

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Date(s) - January 31
11:00 am

We would like to hold a 40 hour Fire/EMS instructor methodology course sometime in the spring, and are looking for those folks that may be interested in attending.  We need to figure out if there is enough interest to run the class.  The location for this class has not yet been determined, and may also be contingent upon where we have people wanting to attend.  If you are interested, please email brian.potter@wvesc.org and include in the email your name, location where you live, and department that you represent.  Once specific dates and a location are confirmed, we will formally post this class along with registration information.

This class would be the Instructor Level 1, which is the minimum required in order to teach fire and/or EMS classes in West Virginia.  Course prerequisites including the following:

¨ High school diploma

¨ Minimum of four years experience in fire service or EMS

¨ Fire service—FF1, FF2, Hazmat Ops, Current CPR/First Aid certification

¨ EMS—EMT or higher, current CPR instructor


Cost for the class will be $150, which includes the course textbook.  The class does involve giving several presentations throughout the class, and requires the student to put in time outside of the classroom in preparation for that.  This class does NOT guarantee employment as a fire and/or EMS instructor.  The guidelines and steps towards becoming an instructor with WVPST are included in the link below:

Procedures to become a PST Instructor Summary

Please contact Mike Freeman or Brian Potter by email or at 304-326-7581 with any questions regarding this class.