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Date(s) - April 10
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Lubeck VFD

Emergency Vehicle Operations

The 16-hour Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) is the basic level training needed to operate any emergency vehicle.  The class includes classroom instruction and practical skills driving course.

Pre-requisites:  Must be 18 years of age and have a valid Driver’s License

Please note:  There has been question about if the class is only open to Wood County individuals.  This class IS open to anyone.

Please feel free to share this email as appropriate as well as pre-register for additional classes.

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the COVID-19 guidelines that must be followed, class is limited to 20 people.  If you plan to attend, please register at your earliest convenience as this class is expected to fill up fast.  Further guidance will be provided before the class to those that are pre-registered.

Location:  Lubeck VFD (1340 Harris Highway, Parkersburg, WV 26101)

Dates:             April 10-11, 2021

Days:           Saturday and Sunday 9a – 5p

Instructor (s): Jim Reynolds

Fee:   $35 payable to Mountain State ESC


Name:  ___________________________________________________________

Date of Birth:  ______________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City/State:  ________________________________________________________

Postal Code: _______________________________________________________ 

Phone Number: ___________________________________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________

 Affiliation: _______________________________________________________