Managing the Volunteer Fire Department

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Date(s) - May 15
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Moorefield VFC

The many aspects to managing the Volunteer Fire Department require Best Practices as a matter of not only choice but legal responsibility as well. Officers, BOD members, and other members of VFD’s are arrested, sued, and brought before regulatory agencies to answer why regulations were not followed and best practices not followed. How can you manage your department to provide the best service to the community and ensure you are meeting all the legal requirements? This training will discuss the legal responsibilities of managing a department. Board members, Officers, and any involved in the management of a department in West Virginia is strongly encouraged to attend this training.

Steve Connolly is General Counsel, Deputy State Auditor and Director of the Public Integrity and Fraud Unit of the West Virginia State Auditors Office. He has served various roles in the Fire Service to include Chief Officer, Fire Instructor, and Fire Investigator. This training is provided at no cost courtesy of the WV State Auditor’s Office.

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