EMT Recertification Modules 3 & 4
Date(s) - July 12
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wayne VFD
WV Public Service Training will be offering EMT Recertification Modules 1 – 6 on July 11, 12 & 19, 2020 at Wayne Volunteer Fire Department from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Fee: $10.00/Module
Instructor: Brent Burger
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 guidelines that must be followed, class is limited to 12 people. If you plan to attend, please register at your earliest convenience. Further guidance will be provided before the class to those that are pre-registered.
To Register, please contact Tammy Norman at 304-766-0011 ext. 21 or tnorman@k12.wv.us.
You may copy the below information into an email and submit to tnorman@k12.wv.us to register:
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City/State: ____________________________________ Postal Code: __________
Phone Number: ________________ Email Address: _________________________
Affiliation: ________________________________________________________